Fair price model thanks to modular structure

Our tools empower you to act on climate change, merge all your data in one place and helps you to reduce your emissions, not only measure them.

Overview of services:
  • Set scientifically based climate targets (aligned with the Paris 1.5 degree target)


  • Carbon Accounting – Cost-efficiently analyse CO2e emissions of own sites and in the supply chain (Corporate Carbon Footprint (CCF) according to Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol; Scope 1-3)


  • Faster creation of sustainability reports against key international frameworks (e.g. CDP, UN  SDG and GRI)


  • Reduce emissions through our comprehensive catalogue of measures and certified climate protection projects


  • Project management dashboard to manage different measures


  • Software support for budget planning


  • Knowledge area with best practices (e.g. from HSBC, Microsoft and SMEs) 


  • Employee app to transfer knowledge faster and create a sense of communit

Product Comparison

Global Changer hat eine Software entwickelt die Unternehmen bei der Dekarbonisierung unterstützt.