Become a climate expert and start to act

Learn more about sustainability, the climate crisis, regulations and best practices of other companies with our CLIMATE ACTION HUB.


The CLIMATE ACTION HUB helps you to get an overview of the dense jungle of information so that your company understands what matters on the road to zero emissions. But knowledge alone is not enough – your company receives field-tested recommendations for action, innovative tools and insights into the activities of other companies (e.g. HSBC and Microsoft). This unique mixture makes it possible for you to get started right away and at the same time learn from others and exchange ideas, thanks to our community.

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Learn and share best practices

As a hub member with your own business profile, you have the opportunity to ask questions or discuss topics at any time. The Climate Action Hub Community supports and accompanies you on your climate journey. 

Im Climate Action Hub von Global Changer finden sich spannende Best Practive Beispiele.
Lernen Sie im Climate Action Hub wie Sie sich Ihre Klimaziele setzen.

All tools to reach your climate goals

Only those who have knowledge can act. Set your company’s goals with the help of our tools and solutions, especially for your company’s sector, as well as checklists. In this way, you will achieve your climate goals step by step. 

Act and become a climate leader

No expiry time, you can access the entire hub at any time. All content is always available, so you can decide your own order according to your questions and the company’s internal status. Decide for yourself when and what fits into your company’s time and action plan. 

Werden Sie Nachhaltigkeitsexperte mit Hilfe der Lernangebote im Climate Action Hub.
Global Changer vernetzt im Climate Action Hub Nachhaltigkeitsexperten.

Be part of our network

The climate journey never stops. As a member, you have exclusive access to webinars, workshops and panels to expand your knowledge, meet interesting leaders and exchange ideas with experts. Start now and get your team up to speed. 

Global Changer vermittelt über das Lernportal Climate Action Hub alle wichtige Themen um die Klimakrise zu verstehen.

Learn the climate science

Become a climate expert with information selected by our advanced team and prepared in an easy-to-understand manner, tested tools and solutions, numerous practical examples from well-known companies and regular updates on the topic of climate crisis and climate protection. 

Accelerate your decarbonisation now​

Do you have a question, want to schedule a call or learn more about Global Changer? Our experts are happy to help. 

    *Mandatory fields

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