Release Sprint 43
Jul 23 - in Changelog
We just deployed to production our of line due to holiday season:
- Dashboard: The Action Tracker on the dashboard now includes subtasks that have a due date or are assigned to somebody, providing a comprehensive overview of all actionable items and their respective deadlines.
- Dashboard: The reduction path graph now clearly marks the base year, making it easier for users to identify the starting point for their emissions reduction journey.
- Action: Estimated emission savings are now rounded to avoid giving a misleading impression of precision. This improvement ensures that users have a clearer understanding of the level of accuracy in the presented data.
- Insights: The filter controls have been resized to allow for more space, enhancing usability and making it easier for users to interact with the filters.
- Bug Fix: We have fixed a bug that caused actions to jump back and forth when moving them on the roadmap. The issue has been resolved, ensuring a smooth and consistent experience when organizing actions.
- Design: We have reduced the default font size from 16 to 14 pixels and also redesigned our menu. This change allows for more information to be displayed on the screen, optimizing the use of available space. We also removed the four fun-fact tiles.
- Action: We have added a new input field for Net Present Value in the budgeting section of an action. This enhancement enables users to include this important financial metric in their action planning and analysis.
- Insights: Due-date is available as column in Insights table.
- Bug-fix: When clicking month or year spinner in date-date chooser, the action details opened. This behavior is now fixed and instead the month and year switch.